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Gunners FRANCE, la référence francophone d'Arsenal

[20] Johan Djourou

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Un joueur professionnel qui a toujours mouillé le maillot pour Arsenal par contre. Et ça c'est pas ironique.


Sans oublier son association avec Koscielny qui nous a fait beaucoup de bien a un moment ou la défense était notre point faibles et que Wenger a stoppé net du jour au lendemain...

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"Behind every kick of the ball there has to be a thought." Dennis Bergkamp


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  • 2 années plus tard...




When I was 15-years old, Arsenal gave me the opportunity to trial with their pros. For a week, I trained with the club’s first team and also participated in a friendly game (it was Robert Pires first game back after a long convalescence). After the game, Arsène Wenger spoke to me. He told me that he believed that I could have a big career in England. For an unexperienced kid still playing for a small Swiss club, hearing those words from a legendary Boss like him was just an unbelievable feeling.


I love the memories of my first official game with the professional squad. I was just 17 when I put the kit on for the first time. I felt nervous, so Wenger came up to me and said: “Jo, I know it’s your first game, but you have to keep calm. When you come out of the tunnel, I want you to play the same way you would be playing in a park in Geneva.” In my head, I was thinking that it certainly couldn’t be that easy, but it took a lot of pressure off me.


From that moment on, I had the upmost respect for Wenger. He had kept his promises by giving me a chance to play with the first team only a few years after recruiting me. I will forever be thankful for what he did for me and my football career.


I have always loved just how human he is. Even though it’s not always easy to work with all the players as a professional football coach, Wenger always tries. When taking difficult decisions, he’s very tactful when communicating them to the players. His personality really makes it enjoyable and a desire for players to play for him.


Wenger is also great at analyzing things. In recent years, the relationship coaches have with their players has evolved. In modern football, coaches with a dominant personality have a difficult job. Today, players often bring into question what they are told to do. Wenger completely understands this mentality, and he’s always open for discussion; and doesn’t have a thickheaded personality like many believe.


In recent months, it has saddened me to hear people were questioning him. It seems to me, nowadays, you can win as many times as you want, but people will only remember your losses.


Fans, pundits and other players can say whatever they want, but nobody can deny that Wenger has brought in a philosophy and culture that created a lot of success for Arsenal. He has also brought a stability that only a few football clubs have.


Of course, Arsène has been in place for a very long time. I can understand that the only thing fans want are titles, and that Arsenal hasn’t won the championship for quite some time now (they still won the cup in 2015 and 2017). There will be a time when he will have to go. But nobody should take away the great things he has achieved for Arsenal. I will always love those years playing for the Boss in North London.

I never sleep, 'cause sleep is the cousin of death

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Au final il donne pas vraiment de raisons de le soutenir. 

Il le supportera toujours parce qu'il lui a donné sa chance et qu'il un bon rapport humain, mais aujourd'hui, ce n'est pas ça qui lui est reproché. On lui reproche son manque d'approche tactique, dans les rencontres, et le fait qu'on produit un jeu dégueulasse.

Si on finissait 3eme ou 4eme en produisant du jeu, mais en perdant des points merdique, j'y croirais encore. Mais là on voit qu'il est dépassé à tous les niveaux


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