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Kondogbia fait un gros match, le mec vient d'arriver et il s'impose naturellement. À voir si physiquement il tient le choc.

Carvajal en difficulté... dans le placement c'est pas toujours ça.
La semaine dernière il avait beaucoup de mal déjà.

Parejo c'est vraiment un bon joueur aussi
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C'est un super joueur Kondogbia. Il a fait un choix de carrière désastreux en allant à l'Inter j'espère qu'il va pouvoir rebondir.


Le Real comme souvent manque d'inspiration mais s'en sort avec les coups d'éclats. Sur la fin ils doivent en mettre minimum 4 et obtenir un péno par contre.


Dans la conclusion CR7 reste indispensable

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Celui qui a vraiment eu la présentation la plus impressionnante, c'était CR7 au Real Madrid (CR9 à l'époque ^^).

Un Bernabeu qui avait fait presque complet, après la grosse présentation de Kaka, la présentation de Ronaldo a été un énorme carton.


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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

"Spain’s La Liga in talks to hold league matches overseas"  (Si le lien est bloqué, essayez celui-ci : ICI, sinon dsl)


En résumé : La Liga souhaite que certains matchs se disputent à l’extérieur du pays. Cela pourrait augmenter l'attractivité du championnat et les droits TV. La Premier League avait déjà pensé à cette idée, mais l'a finalement abandonné.



Spain’s La Liga in talks to hold league matches overseas


Barcelona and Real Madrid could compete on foreign soil as early as next season


Spain’s football authorities are making plans that would see FC Barcelona and Real Madrid play competitive league matches in the US and China from as early as next season, as they seek to net greater revenues from international audiences.  

La Liga, Spain’s top football league, said it was working on a plan to hold a number of regular season fixtures outside Spain and is set to discuss the proposal with its member clubs. A similar initiative by the English Premier League to host league matches on foreign soil was shelved in 2008 after fierce opposition from fans, politicians and media commentators.

But La Liga believes the concept could help fuel interest in Spain’s league overseas and secure more lucrative broadcasting and sponsorship deals.


“La Liga is global entertainment and we want to grow the international appeal of La Liga,” said its president, Javier Tebas. “As part of that effort we are discussing the option of playing some of the league matches outside of Spain. These discussions are still in early stages, but as La Liga, we support the idea.”


Two people familiar with the discussions said the Spanish league matches could be held overseas as early as next year.


Other sports have found success adopting a similar strategy. The NFL has held games in London for several years, a move credited with expanding the fan base for American football outside the US.


Relevent Sports, a US promoter backed by Stephen Ross, the billionaire owner of NFL team the Miami Dolphins, is among the groups that have been pitching the idea of overseas matches to football leagues across Europe.

Relevent founded the International Champions Cup (ICC) four years ago, a summer tournament of “friendly” matches played in countries including the US and China. This year’s event featured top-tier European clubs, including England’s Manchester United, Germany’s Bayern Munich and France’s Paris Saint-Germain.

Speaking at the Soccerex conference in Manchester this week, Charlie Stillitano, chairman of Relevent, said: “The future [for Relevent] is to do games that are official games in the US, China and other places . . . There are already leagues — and I can’t say [which], because they are confidential conversations — that are talking to us about potentially doing something in the future.”

The Premier League said it has no plans to hold an international round of matches, but chief executive Richard Scudamore told reporters in July that he remains in favour. “I thought it was the right thing to do. I still do,” he said at the time.

One football executive said Germany’s Bundesliga did not support the idea.


La Liga’s interest has grown after this summer’s ICC event in Miami included an El Clásico — the name given to matches between fierce rivals Barcelona and Real Madrid.

The game was played in front of 66,000 fans and gained a strong television audience, suggesting a healthy demand for holding more Spanish club matches abroad, though it is unclear whether interest can be sustained for games between less prestigious teams


La Liga believes its key selling point is that its competition features many of the world’s best players, such as Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

The English Premier League is the most lucrative in Europe, with clubs generating €4.9bn in revenue in 2015/16 season, according to business consultancy Deloitte. By contrast, Spain’s La Liga generated €2.4bn.








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Messi claque un triplé et distille deux caviars à Suarez tout en étant dans la gestion physique...

Alba énorme, il a animé son couloir tout seul, offensivement excellent avec des courses très intelligentes et très juste techniquement.
Busquet quelle facilité aussi... Les cadres sont en forme et j'ai l'impression que collectivement c'est de plus en plus cohérent, à voir sur le long terme donc.

Sinon Valence qui va chercher le nul contre l'Atletico après celui au Bernabeu.
Il y a vraiment du potentiel dans cette équipe, je les vois finir dans les 4. Kondogbia, Soler, Gaya c'est jeune et talentueux et puis Parejo... Quel joueur, incroyablement sous côté. En plus de ça ils sont allé chercher Marcelino donc il y a de quoi faire.
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Angel Correa c'est pas mal ce qu'il montre avec les absences de Torres et Grizzi, ses points d'appuis son combo technique vitesse + tête levée. 





Pour remplacer Alexis ce serait une excellente idée, il a peu près le même profils avec 7 ans de moins. Je me demande à combien s'élève sa clause. 

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