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Kenny Dalglish va certainement être limogé d'après les médias britanniques. Ce n'est pas encore officiel mais cela ne saurait tardé si on en croit les dernières infos.


Quelle bande de cons ces amerloques franchement. Je leur souhaite bien du plaisir pour la saison prochaine. Nouveau coach = nouvelle politique de recrutement, nouvelle physionomie de jeu etc..., bref trop de paramètres pour espérer voir Liverpool retrouver les sommets de la PL dès l'année prochaine.


Oui enfin, quand Rafa est arrivé en 2004, il a gagné la Champions league l'année suivante ^^


Kenny est viré, c'est pour moi normal vu la saison catastrophe que l'on vient de vivre. Si c'était un autre que Kenny, on aurait demandé sa tête depuis longtemps.

Maintenant faut pas être heureux, cet homme aime plus que tout Liverpool, il est revenu quand tout allait mal, il n'a pas confirmé les espoirs entrevu la saison passé, c'est dommage.


On va attendre le nouvel entraineur maintenant, j'espère un retour de Rafa mais bon.


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Je trouve ça dur tout de même... Malgré une saison difficile il a réussi a remporté la League Cup, nous c'est 0 titres depuis 7 ans et Wenger est toujours là! ils auraient pu faire un peu plus confiance à KD, la nouvelle m'a réellement choqué.

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Je trouve ça dur tout de même... Malgré une saison difficile il a réussi a remporté la League Cup, nous c'est 0 titres depuis 7 ans et Wenger est toujours là! ils auraient pu faire un peu plus confiance à KD, la nouvelle m'a réellement choqué.


Wenger est dans le Big Four tandis que KD a finit 8 eme ( derrière Everton et a égalité avec...Fulham alors qu'on a mit le paquet pour plusieurs joueurs cet été ), là est la différence.

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En tout cas le forum de la french branch est entrain d'exploser littéralement

J'espère que le nouvel entraîneur sera fort car ça risque d'être très dur pour lui de passer après Dalglish

"At the end of the storm there is a golden sky"


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Exploser, c'est vite dit. Dans quelques jours ça sera calmé.

On a beau être Liverpool, le foot a changé, on est plus au temps de Shankly ou Paisley.


Pour les anciens, c'est une honte de virer Kenny, pour les plus jeunes (en général) c'est ce qu'il faut vu la saison catastrophe en championnat.

Dans n'importe quel club l'entraineur aurait été viré, mais la, sous prétexte que c'est Liverpool et Kenny, il ne fallait pas.

Je suis pas d'accord, on a pas vu d'amélioration cette année, il fallait du changement.


En espérant que la suite soit meilleure.


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En tout cas le forum de la french branch est entrain d'exploser littéralement

J'espère que le nouvel entraîneur sera fort car ça risque d'être très dur pour lui de passer après Dalglish

D'accord avec toi concernant le forum... Ca me dégoute...



Kenny rejected severance packages from FSG saying "Use those millions to invest in players for the team".


Voici quelques déclarations :


Suarez : "KENNY thank you very much for all your help and things I learned from you during 1 year and a half! A big hug and good luck!!"


Agger : "It is a shame about Dalglish, I think he was a good manager who was builing up something good, i don't have more comment, it's the owners decisions and they are completely in charge and decides who should be the new manager"


Following yesterday's announcement that Kenny Dalglish has left the club, Liverpool's Managing Director Ian Ayre spoke to Sky Sports News about the search for a new manager.



Ayre :


Ayre insisted that no potential replacement for Dalglish had been contacted and that while the bid to find a new manager will start immediately, there will be no time constraints on reaching a decision.


First of all though, the MD outlined the latest on first-team coach Steve Clarke.


What is the position of Steve Clarke at this moment in time?


Steve's still at the club. There's no change there. Steve's on holiday. There's no plans to move that along unless it's a discussion that we have later on with Steve about how he feels about Kenny. But he's on holiday. So there's no change at all.


I know you have a vast experience of Liverpool and that you're a huge Liverpool fan. Who will advise the owners about where to go for the next manager? Would you be involved in that?


Yes of course. It's a good question because I had quite a lot of texts and emails myself and I bumped into some fans this morning on my way to work. I think people would be way off the mark to assume that John Henry and Tom Werner are sat with a list just making a choice on their own. They've engaged discussion and the services of some very, very talented and knowledgeable people from within the football industry. And you don't get to where John's got to and where Tom's got to in their careers without taking the best possible advice for big and important decisions. So it stands to reason that they would absolutely and will absolutely do that in this process. We'll balance all the different things: what does the club need? What do they see in the plan? What does the plan say we're looking for? And taking the best possible advice from those qualified to give it to find the best result.


You know Liverpool. You know what is needed here. What is needed for the next manager to come in?


I think the most important thing is that John has said a couple of times that we have a long-term plan for this football club to restore it to where it should be in European and English football. So it needs somebody that fits with all of the parts of that plan. It's not a plan that we're going to roll out publicly and tell everybody the detail; of but this idea that there's some kind of turmoil going on here because we're making changes (is not true). To implement a plan and to achieve a plan you have to change. There's certainly no crisis or turmoil here. There are difficult decisions to be made and there are difficult things to be managed but they're being managed. And just as much as we've had a short period of people leaving the club, we're going to go through a period, very quickly, of people arriving at the club and that will be exciting and interesting and then it will be all about taking that plan forward and delivering a result. So it will take somebody that fits within that plan that can deliver that part of the overall way forward for Liverpool Football Club.


Do you have a list of names? Have you spoken to people?


We haven't spoken to people yet but we've just started to bring together that list. I think it goes without saying that the respect that everybody has here for Kenny Dalglish would mean that we certainly would not have considered or spoken to anyone before Kenny's departure yesterday. So work in earnest starts on that today. We had a call last night and talked through some of that, based on the advice that had been taken but it very much starts today.


Are you looking for a particular type of person? A particular age of person? A young manager? Older manager?


No I don't think you can set that type of criteria. You wouldn't rule somebody out because of any of those reasons. It's about finding the person to do the job that we expect, in the form we expect it to be done. It's too early to start setting criteria and throwing names about - we'll leave everybody else to do that and it's all part of the game, isn't it?


You've seen the list though, I'm sure. Martinez, Andre Villas Boas, are all these people the sort of people you are looking at?


Everybody has a chance. Just like everything, we have to be inclusive and open and honest. You would listen and consider the values of anyone but, in reality, I think we would narrow down pretty quickly on a shortlist of people that fit the profile and the bill of what we expect to happen.


We had a fan say the problem with Kenny is that you should never go back. Then we said, 'who do you want for the next manager?' And he said, 'Rafa Benitez'. Is that something that you may not go to? And I'm not specifically talking about Rafa, but going back again (in general). Is that era over at Liverpool do you think?


I think in any decision the most important thing is that you have a plan. It's not about blindly weaving around trying to make decisions - this is a very, very focused team of people with a plan. For that reason, we will define what we are looking for and you shouldn't include or dismiss anyone on that basis. As long as we know where we're headed and what we're looking for and what we need to achieve, we will get through the mire of everybody trying to suggest it being this person or that person, going backwards, going forwards. It's really just about focus now. What do we need? What's the criteria? Who are the people available for that opportunity? Who are the people out there that fit that bill? And go and do the job and get a new manager into Liverpool and move forward.


I guess now it's just about timescale? Have you put one on it at all?


You can't put a time scale on because there could be all sorts of issues that might add to time around it and you want to be absolutely certain that you get the right person. You don't want to create a time pressure. But we're all conscious of the fact that we have a summer to go in and a transfer window to operate in and we have a team to bring back together and start winning matches next season. So that will dictate some of it but we certainly won't dive in just because of time."


Déclaration de KK :


Exclusive Interview: Kenny Dalglish thanks Liverpool FC fans and players and urges everyone to stick by US owners


The club legend and departed Reds boss, who was dismissed late yesterday by Boston based owners Fenway Sports Group, also called on Liverpool fans to stick by the owners who pulled the plug on his reign after just 16 months.


Dalglish, now on holiday abroad, told the ECHO late last night: “The response from the supporters on social media websites has been overwhelming and very, very humbling. Liverpool is still a great football club, still a club that should believe in whoever is going to come in after myself.


“Hopefully they will support that person as well as they have supported myself, which has been fantastic. The support the fans gave us was a huge influence in winning that (Carling Cup) trophy.


“To be perfectly honest, in most of the games this season the players have covered themselves with great credit. They have been a credit to themselves and to the football club.”


Added Dalglish, whose high profile signings included young stars like Andy Carroll and Jordan Henderson: “You cannot underestimate the pressure that is on a boy who comes to play for Liverpool.


“But in the first year, what they have done has been a credit.


“There is now a great foundation to build on and to move forward with. The supporters, not just for myself but for everyone else, have always been fantastically supportive of the team – and that should not change.


“Taking aside the decision made about myself, for four players to be in Roy Hodgson’s England squad for Euro 2012, and for Jordan Henderson to be on standby as well, is a great credit to the players.


“It’s fantastic for the club and those players – and I hope they go on and represent everybody well.”


Added Dalglish: “The fans will always, always stick with Liverpool Football Club and support the players and the team and the person that is to be the next manager of the club. That’s the way these fans have been brought up and that’s the way it should continue.


“For me it’s obviously going to be different, not being involved in the way I have been as before. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want Liverpool to go on now and be really successful. And that’s the same for anyone who now comes in to the club.


“What Liverpool FC deserves and the supporters deserve is far more important than me.”


Regarding the American owners, under fire from some LFC fans over the controversial decision, he said: “I would hope nobody would prejudge things now. The owners have their own reasons for doing what they have done.


"They came in to help the club at a time when it wasn’t in a great condition. They have improved it, taken it forward and are doing the best they can."

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T'as les personnes les plus agés qui disent que ce qui veulent que KD parte sont des faux supporters, qu'on comprend rien au LFC et qui se croient supérieur aux personnes de 20 ans et moins. Et des modos prennent partis aussi et du coup c'est le bordel, le forum est coupé en 2.

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Apparemment ils veulent Martinez le coach de Wigan pour remplacer KD.


Il est le favori mais il peut y avoir des surprises :


duncan jenkins @duncanjenkinsFC

do not panic #lfc fans, F.S.G will interview more managers. i have heard who the new D.O.F is, trying to get it confirmed by my mole. the news is not from my usual source but if it is who i have been told it is then #lfc fans should be very happy.


D'ailleurs on cherche aussi une personne pou remplacer Comolli.


Jeremy‏@jeremy_LFC : Jen Chang is the new Director of Communications at Liverpool Football Club.

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Les dirigeants on dit qu'ils voulaient un entraîneur de moins de 45 ans non ? Si c'est vrai, quelle connerie quand même -_-

[color=#ff0000][i][b][size=5]It's not easy being an Arsenal Fan... But its hard not[/size] [size=5]love this team [/size][/b][/i][/color]


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Les dirigeants on dit qu'ils voulaient un entraîneur de moins de 45 ans non ? Si c'est vrai, quelle connerie quand même -_-


Pourquoi une connerie?


Le club de Wigan vient de nous autoriser a discuter avec Martinez !


PS : Pour ceux qui le savent pas, cet été FSG voulait recruter AVB mais les résultats exceptionnels de KD les 6 derniers mois avait pousser FSG a prolonger KD . C'est pour cela que beaucoup de rumeurs envoient AVB a Liverpool car comme je viens de le dire, a la base c'était le premier choix de FSG.

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Pourquoi une connerie?


Le club de Wigan vient de nous autoriser a discuter avec Martinez !


PS : Pour ceux qui le savent pas, cet été FSG voulait recruter AVB mais les résultats exceptionnels de KD les 6 derniers mois avait pousser FSG a prolonger KD . C'est pour cela que beaucoup de rumeurs envoient AVB a Liverpool car comme je viens de le dire, a la base c'était le premier choix de FSG.


Perso, je trouve ça un peu bidon de recruter un entraîneur qui a moins de 45 ans, regarde Fergie environ 70 ans et regarde l'entraîneur que c'est


Martinez ce serait pas mal pour vous, un entraîneur avec une bonne philosophie de jeu ^^

[color=#ff0000][i][b][size=5]It's not easy being an Arsenal Fan... But its hard not[/size] [size=5]love this team [/size][/b][/i][/color]


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Perso, je trouve ça un peu bidon de recruter un entraîneur qui a moins de 45 ans, regarde Fergie environ 70 ans et regarde l'entraîneur que c'est


Martinez ce serait pas mal pour vous, un entraîneur avec une bonne philosophie de jeu ^^



On dit tout et son contraire en ce moment a Liverpool tu sais donc les déclarations n'y attachent pas beaucoup d'importance. Rafa peut très bien revenir par exemple et il a pas 30 ans ^^.


Ca me plairait bien moi ^^ Même si moi je voulais Rafa..

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Martinez est un très bon entraîneur, ce qu'il fait avec Wigan est très respectable. (Sinon Ole Gunnar Soljkaer pourrait entraîner Villa l'an prochain :amoureu:)


C'est officiel ?! Si oui, je suis ravit car beaucoup de rumeurs envoyaient Martinez là bas !

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Surtout qu'il a fait de très bonnes choses en Norvège :)


Sinon Martinez à Liverpool pourrait être un très bon choix vu comment il se dém**** avec Wigan et ce type est très bon tactiquement (contre nous - et vous ? - il nous a bien mis tactiquement).

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Surtout qu'il a fait de très bonnes choses en Norvège :)


Sinon Martinez à Liverpool pourrait être un très bon choix vu comment il se dém**** avec Wigan et ce type est très bon tactiquement (contre nous - et vous ? - il nous a bien mis tactiquement).



Oui :)


Ils sont tout simplement venu gagner 2-1 a Anfield ( c'est pratiquement le match ou on méritait le plus de gagner de toute la saison mais bon les poteaux et notre iffécacité offensive nous avaient encore jouer des tours ^^ ). Et on avait fait 0-0 a Wigan.

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Brendan Rodgers aurait refusé de discuter avec la board de Liverpool d'après Sky Sports et le club aurait une liste de 12 entraîneurs avec qui ils veulent discuter, Rodgers était inclus dedans, toujours d'après Sky Sports


Pour l'entraîneur de moins de 45 ans c'est parce que Werner et Henry veulent construire sur le long terme avec un entraîneur jeune ou qui a encore 15 bonnes années devant lui et qui impose une philosophie de jeu (style Guardiola avec Barcelone ou Bielsa avec Bilbao). Je pense que la limite d'âge n'est pas réel dans leur choix, ils veulent avant tout partir avec un entraîneur sur le long terme (on parle d'un contrat de 4 ou 5 ans).

"At the end of the storm there is a golden sky"


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Je pense que Martinez va etre le prochain coach Liverpool car Wigan a laisser les Reds entamé les discussions avec le coach et vue que Martinez veut passé un cap et que Liverpool veut un jeune coach tout devrait bien se faire...


Je pense que c'est un bon choix c'est quelqu'un de jeune (donc proche des joueurs) qui a bien reussi avec Wigan et qui tactiquement est bien meilleur que KD.


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