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Tout ce qui a été posté par BlakesOne

  1. BlakesOne

    [36] Mark Randall

    Accord de principe entre Derby et Arsenal pour un prêt de Randall, il a d'ailleurs joué un match avec eux il y a quelques jours.
  2. BlakesOne

    [8] Samir Nasri

    Il avait pas joué.
  3. BlakesOne

    [9] Eduardo Da Silva

    Eduardo: "It cannot be true. I am not injured" By Aries Eduardo has expressed dismay with regard to the news, apparently given by Arsene Wenger after the Columbia- Arsenal game, on his fitness. Wenger was quoted as saying that Eduardo will take another two months to return to action and the media of course made a big meal out of it and started writing stories that Eduardo had suffered a relapse. Wenger said: “… in the next two months we’ll have Eduardo back as well, so we have offensive options, but you do not want to lose important players before the season starts.” Well, according to Eduardo himself this cannot be further from the truth! Speaking today to Croatian paper “Jutarhji” he said: “I do not know anything about the statement made by my coach. It can not be true. I am completely ready physically” He went on to say that he has already been told in which games he will play in Austria and even for how long in each game. “I was told that I will play between 20 and 30 minutes on the 27th July when we play against Szombatelya. Two days later against Hannover 96 I will play a half” he said. So if we are to believe Eduardo then we can only assume that Wenger was referring to the time that will take for Eduardo to get back to proper fitness after being out for such a long time. “I feel great, next week I will play for Arsenal, and I believe that everything will be OK” Eduardo concluded. Source: Source original :,22,,170469.jl publié ce soir Traduction de Vince de ascfr Eduardo - Ce n'est pas vrai, je ne suis pas blessé A la presse croate (“Jutarhji”), Edu réagit aux rumeurs de blessure: "Je ne sais pas d'où viennent ces déclarations de mon coach. Ca ne peut pas être vrai. Je suis complètement prêt physiquement. On m'a dit que je jouerait entre 20 et 30 minutes le 27 juillet contre Szombatelya. Deux jours plus tard contre Hannover 96 je jouerait une mi temps. Je me sens très bien, la semaine prochaine je jouerait pour Arsenal, et tout sera OK."
  4. BlakesOne

    [9] Eduardo Da Silva

    Je pense pas qu'il s'est "reblessé", Wenger a dit "dans 2 mois il y aura le retour d'Eduardo". Je pense que c'est le temps qu'il estime pour qu'il soit prêt à être compétitif. Il veut pas précipité un retour et refaire des rechutes tous les matchs comme l'année dernière. C'est lui sur la photo d'entrainement posté aujourd'hui?
  5. BlakesOne

    [4] Cesc Fabregas

    Fabregas de retour à l'entrainement en Autriche Ça rigole pas à coter de lui pour le surveiller Plus de photo ici :
  6. BlakesOne

    [8] Samir Nasri

    Quand Wenger a parler après le match il a parlé de 6 semaines en disant que c'était pas une "grosse fracture", après il a répété le retour de Rosicky et d'Eduardo. Alors vous attendez pas à un transfert d'urgence, il était plutôt zen. Et pour la blessure de Nasri il aurait voulut contrer un tir de Diaby. Porté par le médicin et le physio.
  7. BlakesOne

    Equipes de Jeunes

    Je veut pas faire la ch****se, mais il aurait été bien de cité Grimandi vu que les 2 derniers paragraphes reprennent ces propos. Et puis ça donnera de la crédibilité à l'article.
  8. BlakesOne

    Equipes de Jeunes

    Ce soir a eu lieu un match amical avec la réserve (enfin c'était surtout des U18), victoire 3-2 contre Lincoln ARSENAL XI 1 James SHEA 2 Daniel BOATENG 3 Tom CRUISE 4 Francis COQUELIN 5 Ignasi MIQUEL 6 Luke AYLING 7 Sanchez WATT 8 Jay THOMAS 9 Jay SIMPSON 10 Nacer BARAZITE 11 Gilles SUNU subs 15 Oguzhan OZYAKUP (for SUNU 57) 14 Conor HENDERSON (for WATT 57) 16 Luke FREEMAN (for SIMPSON 64) 12 Rhema OBED (for CRUISE 76) 13 Sean McDERMOTT GOALS: SUNU (42), THOMAS (70), AYLING (89) LINCOLN CITY : GOALS: BROWN (74), FAGAN (79) Le plus important c'est que ce groupe n'est pas en Autriche avec l'équipe première.,00.html
  9. BlakesOne

    Les anciens Gunners

    Hleb : "j'aurais pas du partir"
  10. BlakesOne

    Equipes de Jeunes

    Le prêt de Håvard Nordtveit à Lillestrøm n'a pas été étendu. Il a voyage ce matin en Allemagne, il serait prêté à Nürnberg récemment promut en Bundesliga. A suivre...
  11. BlakesOne

    Equipes de Jeunes

    C'est un milieu défensif anglais et il mesure 1m85 (16 ans).
  12. BlakesOne

    [18] Mikael Silvestre

    C'est surtout qu'il veut pas retourner en france, je crois + la paye avantageuse ici + le fait que ça fait 10 ans qu'il vit en Angletterre = reste à Arsenal
  13. BlakesOne

    [11] Carlos Vela

    Carlos Vela à Dallas où il disputera le quart de final contre Haïti le 19 juillet. S'étant complètement remis de sa blessure lors du 1er match, il sera titulaire d'après le coach de la sélection. Edit: il y a eu des rumeurs disant qu'il aurait eu une rechute de sa blessure à la cheville car il a pas assisté à un entrainement. Mais il passait un "check up" à l'hôpital.,00.html
  14. BlakesOne

    Equipes de Jeunes

    Petite rumeur qui enfle: Liam Brady pourrait signer Frank Nouble un des attaquants les plus prometteurs du pays, 17 ans ami de Wilshere. Il aurait refusé le contrat professionnel que lui proposait Chelsea. PS: Je savais pas trop où le poster donc si je l'ai mis au mauvais endroit déplacer le, merci.
  15. BlakesOne

    [10] Robin Van Persie Robin aurait refusé des offres de Chelsea, Manchester City, Inter Milan et Juventus avant de signer son nouveau contrat. Il ya pas de preuve de ça dans l'article mais le plus important c'est les déclarations de VP, qui sont surement tiré de la part 2 de l'intw de ATVO (que je trouve pas sur le net).
  16. BlakesOne

    [6] Philippe Senderos Steve Bruce manager de Sunderland intéressé par Senderos, £5m.
  17. BlakesOne

    [23] Andrei Arshavin

    Petite interview d'Andrei donné sur son officiel, il parle du retour à l'entrainement, de Londres... The preparations for the new season have begun. How have you spent your first days? A.A.: I flew back to London on Monday evening and went to the base to fetch my car right away. Is it easy to find a parking place in London? A.A.: On the street where we live, I didn’t have any problems with finding a parking place that day. What did I do then? I was sorting out correspondence. Letters from the fans? A.A.: Not only. Several bills as well wink.gif and other things. After dinner I went for a walk in the park in the neighborhood, made a call home and went to sleep. It’s well-known, that you jog in the morning. Now it rains every day in London. Can it possibly stop you from jogging in the mornings? A.A.: No. Although, of course, it’s nice to spend an extra hour in the warm bed, but I know that it must be done. So, we reached your first training… A.A.: There were a lot of youth there. Arsene conducted two exercises with the pause of 3 hours in between. Why almost all leading players were missing from that first training? A.A.: The guys, who were summoned to the national teams, will come back to club next Monday. Andrey Arshavin could have spent one week in his native Saint-Petersburg? A.A.: Basically, yes. What was the most difficult part of the training? A.A.: Two test-exercises when you run 12 minutes non-stop with recurring speeding-up. It’s like two Cooper tests. Did everybody stand? A.A.: I did. What were you talking about with Arsenal players? A.A.: About different things. For example, about our national team. My partners are sure that we are going to get the first place in the group, beating the Germans in Moscow. Somehow they think that we have already managed to get all the points. I tried to explain that there is a difficult match ahead with Wales, but they are convinced that we will easily beat them. Andrey, Yury Zhirkov has come to London. Now there are three of you. Russians are coming? A.A.: I’m glad, that there are three of us now. Who’s next? I think that Igor Akinfeev. Une autre interview: - How did you spend the first days after vacation? - On Tuesday we had two training sessions, on Wednesday - one and on Thursday - two again. There are ten people from the first squad and the young lads. Those who finished the season later than the others (like Fabregas who was at Confederations Cup, or Walcott plus Gibbs who played in the EC-21) will come back later (next Monday). In addition, on Thursday I was flying by helicopter to another city to the shooting spot. So i had to work without "overclocking" from the first days. - What may you tell about, if it's not secret, the first training sessions? Are they hard? Is it similar to what have been in Zenit ? - Exercises are similar to those that Dick Advocaat uses in his training sessions but it's so hard as it was when Petrzhela was the coach of Zenit (his first week traning session after vacations was legendary in Russia in terms of physical exercises, running, etc - rusal). The first training session on Tuesday was basically running - cycles full of 10 minutes of running with accelerations with some physical exercises in-between. During the second training session we had to play football. It's very hard training for us straight after vacation but everyone is trying, knowing that efficiency of action on the field will largely depend on how you're working during these training sessions. - Were there any tests? - Yes but there is a queue. There is a timetable for passing the tests, so my turn comes next week. - And what did Arsène ask you at the first day after vacation? - He wanted to know how I held a holiday, but also said to the whole team that we are waiting for a heavy season in which Arsenal will focus on the highest goals. - Did players talk about vacation experiences? - Maybe, but frankly speaking - i'm so tired after the training sessions that there is no inner force to talk after such workout. But suddenly i was able to speak in Russian during the training sessions. - Let me guess! You have a new assistant of the goalkeepers' coach - a famous Estonian goalkeeper Mart Poom. Right? - Right answer! Indeed, and what's more interesting is that he was in our group during running exercises. - Specially? - I don't know, but to communicate in Russian on the training session of Arsenal FC is a brand-new feeling. - There is a new player in the Arsenal squad, right? - Yes, it is Vermalaen, the ex-player of Ajax. The player seems to be good, although to do some conclusions after the three days of exercises is, of course, too early. - Were you guys discussing any rumours during trainings ? - Maybe but without me. I have only heard that Adebayor seems to be staying in the team and Fabregas who is wanted by Milan FC - too. - What's the weather in London nowadays? - During the first training session it was very rainy. But then, thanks God, it became better. - It seems that someone in heaven has specially complicated conditions of the trainings to you all ... - During running exercises any weather is not good. When it rains then it's too wet to run, when it's sunny - too hot. - Did London surprise you after a month absence? - No, i arrived in a familiar city so everything is easier now than six months ago and much calmer too. There is only a mailbox for this month which was overwhelmed with accounts and flyers. So many! Now i need to deal with them. - So arriving in London is like arriving at home, right ? - I think so - and i have the house here now. - Who was looking after it all this time? - Friends of the owner of the house. - And the fact that you will have to spend a month without a family, does it greatly complicate your life? - Naturally. But my friends came here too - a married couple, and the wife of a friend is doing all the cooking work which is great. However, on Saturday they will leave London - and then i will have to visit some restaurants. - Have you read any British press ? About Zhirkov's transfer to Chelsea, for example ? - Once arrived, i checked a few newspapers but then nothing on this subject was not written. And now i don't have much time to read the press. I regularly check only a few sites on the Internet - in the first place it's Sport-Express. - Do you check the Arsenal's official website? There is now an "Arshavin Week", dedicated to the fact that you took the second place in poll for the title of the best "gunner" last season. - In fact, it's nothing special here - it is only here in Russia people particularly pay attention at such things, but here it's common practice. Such attention to the own players is in the order of things. - I think that the attention to you in Russia is even higher. - It is not so as in England. There is a feeling that in Russia we want to know about almost every step of our legionnaires. The fact that some things which had no chance to be attractive for the press in Zenit FC days became suddenly very important here. Overly important, in my opinion. We (with Pavluchenko) now look forward to Yura Zhirkov - he should divert attention from us to himself for some time. And to follow the three is much more difficult than for two. - The Russians are coming to London, and "Superstars" to Madrid. Is there any feeling that after the purchases of Real Madrid Spanish league will eclipse the English Premier league? - Let's see. If England government won't solve the problem with taxes then the exodus of the stars to the Spain is possible. But so far, as i think, the EPL remains the best league. Though, of course, we will check it in the Champions League. Translated by Rusal
  18. BlakesOne

    [4] Cesc Fabregas

    Oui, ça fait quelques jours que la rumeur est ressortit surtout après les déclarations de Laporta "il a le barça dans son ADN" et Messi qui dit que ce serait bien qu'il vienne lui et Mascherano. Et la dernière rumeur du Dailymail c'est Hleb + Gudjohnsen + de l'argent mais n'importe quoi, j'en rigole encore. Sinon Fabregas est tranquillement en vacances à New York avec sa petite amie
  19. BlakesOne

    [8] Samir Nasri

    Belle vidéo de Samir: Marseille, Equipe de France et Arsenal (gestes techniques et buts)
  20. BlakesOne

    [10] Robin Van Persie

    Robin qui parle de son nouveau contrat Part1
  21. BlakesOne

    [10] Robin Van Persie

    Allez un petit vidéo Van Persie se souvenant de ses débuts avec Arsenal et son 1er but. vidéo bonus : Robin Van Persie Goals + Assists 08/09
  22. BlakesOne

    [23] Andrei Arshavin Ca fait 10 jours qu'Arshavin n'a plu d'agent et a décidé de se représenter lui même. Car il vit en Israël et vient d'avoir un enfant.
  23. BlakesOne

    [11] Carlos Vela

    source: Blessure moins sérieuse que prévu après le scanner. Il pourrait même jouer contre le Panama jeudi.
  24. BlakesOne

    [23] Andrei Arshavin

    Arshavin élu 2ème joueur de l'année avec 19% des voix
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