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Tout ce qui a été posté par RollsReus

  1. Henderson et Sturridge ont intégré le staff de Subway à Boston! (humour)
  2. RollsReus


    25m pour avoir griezzman, ça va ils ont bien géré le départ de Costa et Villa; Antoine est très prometteur. Comme d'hab, ils arrivent à avoir les meilleurs attaquants dans leur club. Aguero, forlan, falcao (bon lui ils ont payé bonbon) Costa, Torres
  3. RollsReus


    L'accord Atlético-Real Sociedad pour Griezmann est conclu. 25 millions d'euros, info de @JugoneslaSexta et @DeporteslaSexta
  4. Pour ceux qui maitrise bien l'anglais, sur le forum du bayern munich français, ils ont mis un lien : Thomas Muller a décrit le mondial depuis le premier match jusqu'à la victoire finale avec des anecdotes dedans. Il est génial ce type. "SO IT WAS REAL It’s still really funny, what happened to us in the Maracanã. If a grown man like me is already speechless, then something great must have happened. Weltmeister! Crazy! I had a good feeling from the first day in training camp in South Tyrol. It was the big goal, now we have done it. Also the moment Mario comes in and scores the winner shows everything. Everyone was really important in this team! When he ran into me after the final whistle, I gave him a small slap on the cheek and told him: “Mario, you’re an awesome man!” I admit that I quite absolutely glanced at the scoring charts during the tournament. One keeps constantly asking about it, after all. So far, still no player has managed to defend the top scorer in World Cup history. Neither have I now. That James Rodríguez has won, I really can live with. Quite honestly, I was interested from the beginning only one thing, the World Cup trophy! Now I have it. There is always much discussion about my role, what really I am: striker or midfielder? I say: I’ve always been a mixture of both. Those who know me know I’m open to anything that can be used flexibly in the offensive and searchable everywhere on the field. I just want to get the optimum way to the goal, no matter whether I come from the right, left or through the middle. Which position I would start in the World Cup, however I didn’t know for a long time. The decision was made just three days before the opening game. The coach told me before the match against Portugal in a talk. Jogi Löw informed me that I should play as a central striker. For me, at this time, it was frankly no big surprise anymore, because in the final training session before the last World Cup test against Armenia, the coach had prepared me on it in a private conversation. Basically, it was no big change for me, because the coach had worked out a clear plan for the offensive. Our World Cup concept for the striker was: We play with three flexible players. Very variable, and with many ways in depth. This meant for us: Always play and go, shortly come and steeply go again. Sparkle through permanent movement and not necessarily with force. The days in which the German striker plays forward with his back to goal or lurks on high balls are numbered. With the decision for me as a central striker, it was also clear that Miroslav Klose would sit in the first game on the bench. What can I say about Miro? He is a tireless worker, scorer and great person, a team player, like there is no one better. It deserves incredible respect as he accepted the decision. And he should still get his chances during the tournament, which earned him the World Cup scoring record from Ronaldo. But beware, Miro: I remain on your heels – otherwise I would be in the national team at the wrong place. With respect to ages, you’ve still got a few years ahead of me. The first game against Portugal would then, of course, cannot be better for me. A hat-trick, just amazing! But that was of course immediately, the estimation in the public going on. “Will Müller defend his top scorer crown?” “Does he even break the Ronaldo record instead of Klose?” I understand these mechanisms of the media, but personally, the whole thing was a bit too much. For me, only one thing counted - and now I can say it, too: After the 4-0 win against Portugal, I saw us finally as one of the great World Cup favorites. The first test was passed, the tension fell off. We also celebrated after our return in the Campo Bahia. After dinner, the music was turned up and some guys proved their singer qualities, as I wouldn’t have kept it in the dream for possible. For me in any case, Drafi Deutscher has been never lost… In the second group match against Ghana, the match was close - and rougher. It was 2-2 when I sought the winning chance with the last action in the game once again. Even when the cross came, I had a good feeling to get and score the goal. But only two seconds later I was on the ground with a gaping cut, and the game was over. Hope and reality collide each other so hard sometimes. When someone asks me today, which was my best goal in the World Cup, then I think of the Group’s last game in Recife: The goal from the penalty area’s left corner against the United States was clearly my best one. I don’t so often score, otherwise, outside the box… We were in the second round. We all knew that Algeria would be a difficult opponent. But I also admit: none of us would have thought that the Africans make it so hard for us. A special gratitude in this game goes especially to Manuel Neuer, who saved us with his great saves again and again at the back. In doing so: one doesn’t get the title of World’s Best Goalkeeper as a gift. Since our Manu must already deliver sometimes… Despite the tight 2:1, I was a little annoyed that suddenly everything was questioned after the Algeria game. We, as a team, didn’t let us be misled. We knew that our title dream had now come a step closer. That was all that mattered to us. And all the other favorites also had difficulties very much in the round of 16. With France, the first really big chunk was waiting for us in the knockout round. The French had surprisingly well compensated the loss of my dear teammate at FC Bayern, Franck Ribery. At the back they were compact, forward Karim Benzema scored the goals. Again, I discussed with the coach a few days before the game. This time he told me that I would move back to the right wing. The position, as I mostly play with the national team. It wasn’t a big problem for me, indeed, it is already a completely different game. However, I had been aware from the beginning: We have a squad with 23 brilliant footballers, with that the coach can and will let his ideas and imagination run wild. Unfortunately, it didn’t work for me with a goal against the French. Even the referee wasn’t my friend that day. The situations in which I was involved have been valued mostly negatively for me. Then there was a heat that had me carried away with my paean to a cactus. I’m saying: Cacti are fascinating. Maybe I even consider getting myself a cactus now after the vacation. I don’t have a lucky charm, a talisman. Superstition is nothing that fits into my thinking, I’m more of a mathematical type. Therefore I reckoned a little bit that I would get my chance again in the semi-final against Brazil for the missed goal against France. I was surprised, however, that the Brazilians were leaving me out so freely at the corner kick of Toni Kroos. Fortunately. Of course, I was immediately aware that this 1:0 is a very important goal. The big pressure fell from us then somewhat, the Brazilians were clearly nervous. But after the brief joy over the goal, it had to go on the same, because the other minutes was still playing, of course. Middle of the first half came a bizarre situation. After a duel, my shin-guard was slipped out, but there was no interruption by the referee. That’s why I played further with the shin-guard in hand. Unfortunately there was no time to put the thing back again. When I was suddenly completely free on the right wing, I used it, unconsciously, to wave my teammates. That looked definitely funny. Nobody could have thought that this match would end with a 7:1 goal rush. With an outstanding team performance, we out-played the Brazilians and wrote football history. Even after the final whistle, we didn’t really realize it. At least, until I saw my Bayern colleague Dante standing so dejected. I went up to him to comfort him a little. I wouldn’t like to imagine at all how he has felt at this moment. But definitely not good in any case. I myself had already shed some tears after the European Championship semi-final against Italy. If your title-dream bursts, however, in your own country, it is even much worse certainly. I want to say at this point, a few words about Neymar. Earlier this year, we had a shooting together for ​​a TV commercial and looked to see who makes the better figure in the car. The story of the vertebral fracture was naturally very bitter for him because he was in a great form and surely the key players of the Brazilians. In sports there is sensational but also a lot of tragedies. As an athlete, you have to unfortunately experience both over the years. I can empathize well with him, since I have already experienced the one or the other. He is young and probably will have the opportunity to shine again in the World Cup. I wish him a speedy recovery and hope that he is soon fully fit again. And now I can reveal something about the Barça rumors around me: For the TV commercial with Neymar, I flew to Barcelona then. When eating in a local restaurant, I was seen, and then the rumor that I would go to FC Barcelona was already floating around. I believe, at the latest with my contract extension at the FC Bayern until 2019, this should be removed from the world now. And for Neymar: Maybe we see ourselves soon somewhere once more and then can discuss the World Cup, the semi-final and his tragic injury. Or we have a shooting together for a TV ad once again. After the victory over Brazil, we were welcome in the Campo Bahia with samba drums and fireworks. The people there were incredibly friendly to us. Once after the training, the locals played for me a ukulele serenade song at the gate of the site. And also in the Campo itself, we had a lot of good mood. I was put into a sharing flat with Philipp Lahm, Mats Hummels, Christoph Kramer and Erik Durm. We were a mixed bunch and had a lot of fun together. Everyone has got on very well. The success agrees with us, finally. Now we all stood together in the final in Maracanã. With Argentina as opponents, against the team when Germany became the last time world champion. In the victory of the team of captain Lothar Matthäus in 1990, I was just ten months old. Waiting for us 24 years later, was although no Diego Armando Maradona, but none other than Lionel Messi. From my opinion, there is and was always only a false 9 - and it is Messi. A great and perhaps even unique player. But in Rio we, as a team, were simply a tick stronger. For Argentina and Maradona, however, we’ve also had our own good memories. In the World Cup 2010 in South Africa, we swept away the team with the coach Maradona in the quarterfinals with 4:0. I was lucky enough to score the opener just after three minutes with a header. But we also knew: This time, we expected a more compact Argentine team. Nevertheless, we were now a different Germany. In comparison to 2010, we have developed enormously. Whoever watches football a little bit, has certainly noticed that we had a completely different game system in Brazil than in South Africa and were able to play a more complex football. We were able to play flat and vertically through the midfield, or just approach the opponent with speed. I don’t want to make us worse than we were at the 2010 World Cup. But at that time we were already dependent on our counter attacks. Now we were just more mature. Title-Ripe. And I must say: It’s just nice that in football the best team wins."
  5. RollsReus


    Antoine Griezmann a trouvé un accord avec l'Atlético de Madrid et jouera sous les ordres de Simeone. Info @laSextaTV
  6. RollsReus


    If Casillas doesn't start in the UEFA Supercup, he will most likely leave Real Madrid. [Marca] Ancelotti a aussi dit qu'il déciderait définitivement qui serait titulaire pour ce match (ou le premier match de liga) à l'issue de la pré-saison. Les médias comme Marca et autres annoncent que Lopez va partir à Monaco. Pour le recrutement, Ancelotti a dit que les meilleurs joueurs viennent au RM (vous inquiétez pas Ramsey restera à Arsenal, don't worry). Par contre, il me fait rire, il laisse bien comprendre que lui , il ne décide de rien, que c'est tonton perez qui s'occupe de tout ça et lui il fait avec. Tout l'inverse d'un Mourinho qui à part modric (40M), n'a pas fait de folie pour ses mercatos avec le RM.
  7. La_pulga, t'en penses quoi de cette pique de Maradonna? « Mon équipe a bien joué, celle de Sabella, seulement lors de la finale. On va jouer carte sur table. Nous ne sommes pas tous contents du titre de vice-champions du monde. Cette sélection n’a rien joué. [...] Avec moi, Lionel Messi a joué cinq fois mieux qu’avec Sabella, dans ce Mondial. C’est juste que cette fois-ci, il a réussi à marquer des buts, ce qu’il n’avait pas pu faire au Mondial précédent. […] Et qu’on ne mette pas ça sur le compte du fait qu’il se soit sacrifié pour l’équipe. »
  8. RollsReus


    Marquinhos bloqué par le PSG, le Barça se positionne sur Vermaelen, suivi par MU. Vertonghen en alternative. [Mundo Deportivo]
  9. Je le trouve pas mal le away . Les maillots de la saison 2013/2014 étaient beau, surtout le blanc avec le col (je l'ai pris d'ailleurs). Le third était moyen. Puis c'est devenu sobre depuis 3 saisons, autant avant les gens pouvaient trouver ça moche les maillots domiciles avec bande blanches et rouges, autant là cest beau.
  10. RollsReus


    Il a perdu un pari ou son entourage sont les plus faux cul que la terre ait portée?
  11. RollsReus


    Madrid et barcelone ça reste les plus gros consommateurs de maillots. Rien qu'en espagne, chaque année, CR7 est le numéro 1 des ventes, ensuite Messi et Ozil en 3eme.
  12. RollsReus


    Déjà par son ancienneté le RM est presque un intouchable. Tu oublies que maintenant le spectacle est de prime, donc l'UEFA ne dit rien pour sa vitrine de C1, que les meilleurs joueurs y soient afin qu'elles soient toujours attractives. Je te parie meme que le dopage est plus que camouflé afin que le spectacle soit tjs assuré. J'oublierai jamais la demi finale de l'euro 2012, où alaba était mort à la fin de la 2nd période. et le mec en prolongations, on dirait qu'il venait d'entrer. Pareil pour d'autres matchs du RM, etc.
  13. Effectivement. Joli geste en tout cas.
  14. RollsReus


    Pour répondre à ce que tu disais, je crois qu'il touche pas mal sur la vente des maillots Recruté mardi par le Real Madrid pour au moins 80 millions d'euros, James Rodriguez a déjà remboursé un quart de la somme à son nouveau club. En seulement 48 heures, le club merengue a effectivement vendu 345 000 maillots floqué au nom du Colombien, soit une somme totale d'environ 20 millions d'euros. Avec 7 188 achats par heure, James marche sur les traces de Cristiano Ronaldo, dont plus d'un million de tuniques ont été vendues depuis son arrivée dans la capitale espagnole.
  15. RollsReus

    [Ligue 1]

    Jorge Mendes is in Paris, finalizing the details of the new contract that would make Di Maria a PSG player. [El Confidencial] Ils sont pas censés être en galère à cause de leur masse salariale et le fait qu'ils doivent vendre au mooins deux joueurs genre cavani, pastore ou lavezzi?
  16. Au passage , vous aviez vu cette action de Draxler? magnifique
  17. RollsReus


    Ouai pas faux Micah.R mais di maria va rapporter facile 60M ça compensera même si James a couté bonbon quoi qu'il advienne. Déjà qu'ils ont douillé la juventus en leur vendant Morata 20M mdr
  18. Il a une opportunité de prouver sa valeur, Guardiola a dit que Thiago en a pour un mois, un mois et demi pour revenir donc Hojbjerg peut en profiter pour se montrer.
  19. RollsReus


    La FIFA laisse faire pour tout le fric que ça génère et surtout pour ce que le RM représente pour eux. Je rappele que cest elle qui l'a nommé meilleur club du 20eme siècle, faut pas s'étonner mais comme dit Axelou, certes les prix sont fous, mais derrière ils rentabilisent. La preuve, James vaut pas 80M mais il a presque rentabilisé de moitié son transfert juste en vente de maillot. Je ne cherche pas à justifier de telle pratique mais quand il s'agit de Business, Perez c'est un patron. Ok y'a la dette mais cest pas lui qui l'a creusé à la base. Il l'a diminue pas de manière considérable pour autant mais il fait tourner le real madrid et chaque année, leur bénéfices augmentent en meme temps que leur CA.
  20. RollsReus

    [Liga] Defensacentral en parle aussi.
  21. RollsReus

  22. RollsReus


    345 000 maillots de James vendus en 48h. soit 30 M de chiffres.
  23. RollsReus


    Même si Suarez reste suspendu, le clasico se jouera le 26 octobre, soit le lendemain de la fin de suspension de Luis Suarez. Au moins, y'aura un clasico avec tout les joueurs (logiquement) de chaque côté.
  24. RollsReus


    comme par hasard..... D’après Goal, le TAS (tribunal arbitral du sport) pourrait être clément avec le nouvel avant-centre du FC Barcelone. La sanction serait alors appliquée qu’en sélection et non en club. Luis Suarez pourrait dès lors fouler les pelouses du championnat espagnol dès le mois d’août en lieu et place de la fin octobre. De quoi ravir les supporters catalans.
  25. RollsReus


    Honnetement j'ai regardé levante que quand le real les a affronté donc je ne peux pas te dire sur la saison comment il a été. Je pense pas que ça soit pour la hype que Perez le prend, Navas ça amène plus de soucis qu'autre chose, puis cest pas vendeur. À la limite Neuer (même si cest impossible). ou alors Casillas va vraiment bouger et ils prennent Navas en garantie vu le bon mondial qu'il a fait.
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