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Messages posté(e)s par gregoire62

  1. The accident-prone Arsenal defender is set to move to the San Siro on a one-year loan, with the option of a permanent £6million move next summer.


    Swiss international Senderos, 23, has become infamous for his costly defensive blunders in recent years at Arsenal.


    Yet Milan coach Carlo Ancelotti reckons the lumbering centre-half is the perfect man to take over from ageing idols Maldini and Alessandro Nesta.


    Ancelotti vowed to ring the changes after Maldini, 40, was given the run-around by Nicolas Anelka during a 5-0 pre-season thrashing from Chelsea.


    And he wants Senderos to resurrect his career in Serie A after impressing during Arsenal’s famous Champions League victory in the San Siro last season.


    Senderos, who joined Arsenal from Servette five years ago, becomes the TENTH player to leave the Emirates this summer.


    Alex Hleb, Mathieu Flamini, Gilberto Silva, Justin Hoyte and Jens Lehmann have all been sold while Senderos joins Armand Traore, Kerrea Gilbert, Nacer Barazite and Havard Nordvedt out on loan.


    Yet manager Arsene Wenger has signed just four players as replacements - Samir Nasri, Aaron Ramsey and the injured duo Amaury Bischoff and Mikael Silvestre.


    Yet Wenger insists he will not rush into any panic buys before next Monday’s transfer deadline and is happy to operate with his reduced squad.


    Source: The Sun


    Donc selon ce tabloid anglais, Senderos serait sur le départ pour Milan pour un prêt d'un an avec option d'achat s'approchant des 8 millions d' Euros

  2. IVORY COAST star Gervinho has issued a ‘come-and-get-me’ plea to Arsenal.


    The Le Mans starlet, 21, has revealed he is desperate to join his international team mates Kolo Toure and Emmanuel Eboue in North London and is determined to catch the eye of Gunners boss Arsene Wenger.


    Gervinho said: "I have dreamed about that club. To play for Arsenal will be the best day of my life and I will do anything to play for that team.


    “But it will depend on my good work for Le Mans. I need to keep working and Arsenal will open the door for me.”


    The Gunners were linked with a move for the gifted striker earlier this summer, but their interest appeared to have cooled following the good pre-season form of Mexican wonderkid Carlos Vela.


    But Gervinho remains keen on a move to the Emirates Stadium, and cited Wenger’s faith in developing young players as the main reason behind him wanting to play for the club.


    He added: "It is their game, the freedom the manager give them to express their qualities.


    "They are all young players and out of all the top European clubs they are the only ones who work like this. I really love that."


    Le Gervinho veut venir, je ne connais pas le joueur mais bon, encore un jeune qui reve de rejoindre les gunners

  3. WILLIAM GALLAS has urged Arsene Wenger to retain him as Arsenal skipper this season.


    The Gunners star came under fire from his own fans last season when he staged an amazing sit-down protest at the end of the match against Birmingham.


    Critics believe Gallas' public breakdown on the pitch after the draw dented Arsenal's title chances.


    But the defender, 30, now admits he is ready to change his ways.


    Gallas said: "I learnt a lot, you want to be the best captain, give good advice to your players.


    "But sometimes you can make mistakes as well so I think this season I know what I'm going to do and I know I am ready to change my way to speak to the players."


    The France international reckons morale in the Gunners' squad is high going into the new season but he insists the team must end their three-year wait for a trophy.


    Gallas added: "They are young, they are very shy but it wont be difficult for them to settle in.


    "The squad is fantastic and the atmosphere is very good, so I think it will be fine for them.


    "We have to win something because the trophies are more important at the end of the season.


    "Last season we were near to winning something. I hope this season it will be different. Everybody knows what they have to do. We are ready."


    Source: The Sun


    Donc Notre willy est près à changer sa façon de diriger l'équipe afin de pouvoir rester capitaine et gagner des trophées, je suis d'accord pour lui donner une autre chance en tant que tel car je suis sur qu'il peut être un bon capitaine pour cette jeune équipe.

  4. DENILSON reckons he can save Arsenal a fortune in the transfer market this summer.


    Gunners fans are worried about their midfield after the club sold Alex Hleb and Gilberto this summer.


    Brazilian Denilson, 20, moved from Sao Paulo for £3.4million in August 2006 but was blighted by injuries last season.


    But he says he is now ready to nail down a regular first-team place at the Emirates.


    He said: “I have two main objectives this season — to be in Arsenal’s starting XI and get my first cap for Brazil.


    “I am fully fit and ready to go. We have a good team, with a lot of quality players.


    “We have the skill, but need a bit more experience in the team.


    “I believe in our team and I’m sure Arsenal will be the strongest one this year and win the title.”


    Source: The Sun



    Donc notre Denilson se sent près pour se battre cette saison et lance un avertissement à la premierleague, espérons le de tout notre coeur

  5. Moui, enfin avec tout sa, c'est pas encore la ligue qui va faire des feux d'artifices, encore une ou deux équipes qui vont se démarquer par un bon moral mais sinon, on va suivre la 7eme saison d'un feuilleton qui devient très chiant sauf dans la dernière journée....

  6. c'est une offre de près de 7 millions qui aurait été proposé je crois par le PSG à Arsenal mais bon, un trentenaire n'a plus sa place dans la politique du club... 7 millions aujourd'hui ou 3 millions dans 1 ans?

  7. Un superbe football que possède les hollandais, le bon vieux football total, comme quoi les vieilles tactiques sont encore au gout du jour et sa avec des RVP, des Robben et des Sneijder en électron libre derrière l' attaquant, sa ne manque pas, après tout qui doit marquer qui alors monsieur Domenech faites de même ou demander à RVP de devenir français...

  8. Attention cela peut être ¤11 millions paiement d'avance plus prime selon résultats en Ligue et Ligue des Champions, une clause que Arsenal aime intégrer dans leur vente, investissement à plus long terme.

    En ce qui concerne Hleb, j'ai cru lire que le Bayern Munich allait arrivé avec une offre qui devrait faire monter les enchères.

  9. Anyway, Arsenal's transfer activity has suddenly stepped up a gear, as you would expect with Arsene Wenger out there in the Alps for Euro 2008.


    However, it seems he needn't have bothered as, aside from Given, the other player set to move to the club's Legoland stadium is Barcelona's Yaya Toure.


    A snip at £20 million, the midfielder would link up with his brother, Kolo, at Arsenal (like the case of David Villa, above, this is another good example of how to assemble a transfer rumour in three easy steps). Again, ignorance is pleaded from the club hierarchy as sporting director Txiki Beguiristain said: "(Manager Josep) Guardiola considers him to be an important player in his new project."


    Going in the other direction, it seems, is Alexander Hleb, who will be subject of an £8 million bid from the Catalan club.




    Celon, Yaya Touré serait sur le chemin de rejoindre son frère et ainsi devenir un gunner lui-même, une somme proche des ¤24 millions serait proposer au club catalan alors que dans le chemin inverse une proposition de 11¤ millions serait faites pour Hleb

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