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Messages posté(e)s par twizol



    Denilson signs a new long-term contract


    Arsenal Football Club is delighted to announce that midfielder Denilson has signed a new long-term contract with the Club.


    Having joined Arsenal in 2006 from his homeland club Sao Paulo, Denilson (21) firmly established himself in the Gunners’ engine room in the 2008/09 season, making more appearances than any other Arsenal player during the campaign. Having played in every Premier League game, the young midfielder clocked up an impressive 51 appearances in all competitions scoring three goals.


    A busy and efficient player with a good eye for a pass, Denilson has captained his country at every level from Under-15 to Under-20 and was a finalist at the 2005 FIFA Under-17 World Championships.


    Arsenal manager Arsène Wenger said: “Denilson’s contribution to the Club last season was outstanding. His work rate really was exceptional and it is valuable to have players that we know will perform to the very last minute in such a demanding league. I’m pleased that he has committed his long-term future to the Club. ”


    Commenting on his new deal with the Gunners, Denilson said: “My development since I joined back in 2006 has really pleased me, and I just want to build on last season’s performances. We have a hugely talented group of players here, and I am convinced that with everyone working together we’ll be able to achieve great things. It’s a special time to be part of this Club and I’m delighted to have signed a new long-term deal.”


    Everyone at Arsenal Football Club is looking forward to Denilson’s continued contribution.

  2. Pour reprendre ce qui a été dit :




    Kolo Touré en veut à Arsenal


    Kolo Touré justifie son départ pour Manchester City par le fait qu'Arsenal ne s'était pas bien renforcé au cours de ces dernières saisons. Le défenseur ivoirien, qui vient de quitter les Gunners après sept saisons, ne croyait plus en la politique de recrutement du club londonien. Jusque-là dernier membre des "Invincibles" (l'équipe qui a été invaincue tout au long du championnat la saison 2003-04), Touré était devenu carrément nostalgique. « Quand vous regardez Arsenal, vous voyez que tous les grands joueurs sont partis. Ils font maintenant partie du passé», a-t-il déclaré à la BBC. «Thierry Henry, Patrick Vieira et Ray Parlour ne sont plus là. Nous avons perdu trop de leaders à Arsenal. »

    Le néo-mancunien tacle au passage, mais sans le citer, son ex-entraîneur Arsène Wenger, jugé souvent trop frileux sur le marché des transferts. «Les meilleures équipes sont au top seulement parce qu'ils ont les meilleurs joueurs. Et pour obtenir ces joueurs, vous devez dépenser beaucoup d'argent. Vous ne pouvez pas réussir sans argent dans le football. C'est comme ça, on est dans le football business.»

  3. Même si j'aime beaucoup Flamini (enfin j'aime un peu moins depuis qu'il a décidé de partir... bref) je suis pas certain qu'il soit arrivé avec un rang de super star un peu comme ronaldinho. Pour preuve, il a très peu joué et a fait quelques apparitions arrière droit (quel gachis...).

    J'ai également envie que city se plante un peu, ou du moins n'atteigne pas les équipes du big four, et même celle d'Everton, que je respecte car un budget pas flamboyant mais une énorme envie sur le terrain.

    Quoique avec des joueurs comme Touré, ptet Lescott, Barry, Ireland, Robignole, Tevez, Ade, Santa Cruz, De Jong ya du potentiel. D'ailleurs quelques locaux ont pris l'air. Elano en Turquie il me semble, Jo est parti à Everton il me semble également.

    A choisir, je prefere entendre parler d'Arsenal (bon ptet moins maintenant mais il y a un ou deux voire +) pour son système de jeu flamboyant, pour son football quoi, que pour de la thune. J'ai pas franchement souvenir avoir entendu quelqu'un vanter le jeu de City...



    City to net £14m Kolo


    ARSENAL have been warned they are in danger of slipping out of the Premier League's top four.

    Centre-half Kolo Toure is the latest big name set to be leaving The Emirates this summer.


    Manchester City are believed to be close to signing the Ivory Coast ace, 28, for £14million - just a week after City lured hitman Emmanuel Adebayor from the Gunners in a £25m deal.


    Now an adviser of Arsenal shareholder Alisher Usmanov reckons the club's lack of new signings could damage their hopes of making the Champions League.


    Farhad Moshiri, an associate of billionaire Russian Usmanov said: "There is no question that Arsene Wenger has a talented squad but there have been limited additions and you cannot help but feel that there is still not enough depth to that squad.


    "Adebayor averaged 20 goals a season so, unless we replace him with a striker of that talent, we'll be weaker going forward.


    "That is the most worrying thing because Man City, with their enormous firepower, are one of the challengers for the fourth spot. I'd have felt better if he had been sold to any club other than Man City."


    SunSport revealed on Saturday that City had sounded out the Gunners about Toure. Those talks gathered pace over the weekend as John Terry decided to stay at Chelsea.


    City have also eyed Everton's Joleon Lescott but reckon Everton's £25m asking price is too high.

  5. Ses stats sont meilleurs que Diaby et Song il est vrai, cependant en ce qui concerne le nombre de tacles et d'interceptions notamment, il serait plus juste de les comparer aux temps de jeu !

  6. Peut-être, mais il s'est pas battu comme un diable non plus pour rester, il voulait ptet rester, mais de là à dire qu'il était prêt à tout pour le faire...

    Au final 30 millions d'euros dans la poche, et au final pas la sensation que ce soit une catastrophe pour l'équipe



    Eboue on way out


    ARSENAL are ready to sell Emmanuel Eboue to Fiorentina for £6.5million.

    Gunners boss Arsene Wenger was prepared to let Eboue go there in a part-exchange deal when he attempted to land Brazilian midfielder Felipe Melo from the Italians.


    Melo ended up heading to Juventus for £17.6m but Fiorentina are still interested in the Ivorian.


    Defender Eboue, 26, was booed by his own fans last season and does not appear to have a future at The Emirates.

  8. Une nouvelle concernant un ancien joueur, l'ami Adebayor :



    You only moved for the money


    GAEL CLICHY blasted former team-mate Emmanuel Adebayor, saying: You only left us for the money.

    Adebayor claimed abusive Arsenal fans forced him into a £25million move to Manchester City.


    But Clichy reckons the switch was all about the hitman almost doubling his pay packet to £150,000 a week.


    He said: "I really believe if you are a player who thinks only about money then you could end up at Manchester City.


    "You have to think if you want to play for a big club and have your image or if you want to play for a good club and earn big money.


    "When you ask someone to move for something like £300,000 a week it is just crazy."


    Defender Clichy also scoffed at Adebayor's warning that City are set to nick Arsenal's Champions League spot.


    Eastlands boss Mark Hughes has spent £80m this summer in a bid to gatecrash the Big Four.


    Clichy declared: "I've been here six years and this is not the first summer where a club have spent big money to get big players.


    "But it does not always mean a team will do well.


    "Sometimes when you have players coming in like this it can take six to seven months for them to adjust."

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